Wildlife Habitat Restoration Projects at Cañada de los Osos Ecological Reserve


The National Wild Turkey Federation awarded a grant to the Cañada de los Osos Ecological Reserve to convert approximately nine acres of old hay fields into native grasses. The Friends of CDLO has a 20 year agreement with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to manage the lands on the Reserve. About six ago a Wildlife Conservation Board grant was awarded to revegetate about a mile of Cañada de los Osos Creek. Over 500 trees and shrubs were planted, as well as 40 acres of native grasses adjacent to the creek. These grasslands have improved the habitat for many species of wildlife found on the Reserve, including wild turkeys.

The NWTF is working with the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Friends of CDLO to complete improvement of a key area of the Reserve. This will provide food, cover, and nesting sites for the Rio Grande turkeys that are found throughout the Reserve. The Reserve hosts two junior turkey hunts in the spring for ten lucky junior hunters, chosen by draw through the Department of Fish and Wildlife's apprentice hunt program. This project will provide more opportunities for youth hunts.

This project started a year ago, when the ground was prepared for planting In October of this year Wetlands Enhancements LLC helped with the final step of drilling the native grass seed into the ground. Now we wait for the rains, and by this spring turkeys, quail, doves, deer, and other wildlife will benefit from the hard work.

It is important to recognize on-going partnerships with conservation organizations like the NWTF, and the benefits to California's wildlife. A big thanks to NWTF for their progressive support for projects like this one that will benefit both wildlife and future hunters.

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